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Prince Bawuah,PhD

Personal Profile

Prince is a young Ghanaian scientist, who obtained his senior high school education at Tepa Senior High School and completed a bachelor in Science Education at the University of Education Winneba, Ghana. With fully funded Finnish Government scholarships, he graduated from the Master Degree Program in Photonics in May 2013, continued with his PhD in Physics studies in August 2013 and graduated with Distinction in January 2017 at the Department of Physics and Mathematics, University of Eastern Finland. His significant contributions to the field of pharmaceutics

During his PhD research gained international recognition (here).
Additionally, Prince holds a Diploma in Pharmaceutical Quality by Design (QbD) from the University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

Following an excellent completion of his PhD, Prince spent almost a year at the School of Pharmacy of the University of Eastern Finland as a postdoctoral researcher after which he moved to Cambridge in June 2018. Although Prince is still at the early stage of his research career, he has already contributed significantly to the fields of Pharmaceutics and Photonics (see his publications). He has attended several international conferences and workshops and have won several awards. For the past six years, Prince has been an active reviewer to several pharmaceutics and photonics (optics) related journals.


He has supervised and is currently supervising many PhD and MSc research students. Prince is currently working as a fulltime researcher in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, University of Cambridge (see profile ) and is an Adjunct Professor (Docent) in Terahertz Physics in the Faculty of Science and Forestry, University of Eastern Finland. Research Interests and impact.

Prince’s current project is mainly focused on the development site-specific drug delivery systems for the colon, inner ear, peritoneal cavity and breast.
Prince’s recent project that was sponsored by Innovate UK (I-UK) led to the development of a novel prototype Process Analytical Technology (PAT) tool called TeraSolve. TeraSolve is a fully automated at-line monitoring tool for fast and non-destructive quality checking of pharmaceutical solid dosage
forms (tablets).


This project which featured top industrial players (GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), Huxley Bertram Engineering Ltd and TeraView Ltd) has been selected as one of only ten projects whose progress will be monitored by I-UK.

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